Enliven is a deep reanimation of your true self, personality, and character. From the Mediterranean to Mesoamerica, numerous cultures throughout history have considered the liver to be our axis of emotion. In folklore, it is often depicted as the ego incarnate tethered on the passions of confidence, anger, stress, and when in balance, love. As the only bodily organ capable of regrowth, it is well versed in forgiveness.
Today, we know well that the liver is a primary hub of metabolic activity within the body, affecting the welfare of every cell and tissue. A struggling liver is known to cause a host of complex symptoms including tightness of the shoulders and tendons, though what's most tragic is an observable tightening of the spirit itself.
In the Enliven program, we go well beyond basics of cleansing and digestion. The liver is worthy of a deeper understanding, akin to the heart and the brain. Enliven offers an organic way to discover the full depth of your profound instinct and identity.
Resounding Benefits
The amount of value from this single week has had resounding success at improving wellness for clients and practitioners alike. Enjoy your journey, this is your personal big bang from your mind to your body. We are beyond blessed to be able to share and replicate this experience, knowledge, and success.